This is a page devoted to the first ENGAGER training school, held between the 3rd and 7th of June in Barcelona. The Training school aimed to develop skills for mapping, evaluating and making use of unconventional, unstructured data sources; and to provide tools for realising the potential of untapped data for enhanced energy poverty research, communication and action.

Event programme
Day 1: 3 June 2019
Setting the scene [PDF of the presentation]. Harriet Thomson (University of Birmingham), Siddharth Sareen (University of Bergen) and Sergio Tirado Herrero (ICTA-UAB).
A conversation with Brenda Boardman [Youtube video of the interview-style keynote]. Chaired by Harriet Thomson (University of Birmingham) and Sergio Tirado Herrero (ICTA-UAB).
Day 2: 4 June 2019
Expertise, participation, evidence [PDF of the presentation]. Andrea Saltelli (University of Bergen).
Citizen science and participatory research [PDFs of the presentation and the workshop]. Patrik Oskarsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).
Day 3: 5 June 2019
Mapping environmental conflicts. Rationale and challenges for creating a global database [PDF of the presentation]. Daniela del Bene (ICTA-UAB) and Yannick Deniau.
Mapping non-conventional, participatory data: Spaces of energy vulnerability in Barcelona [Outline of the activity and PDF of the presentation]. Caitlin Robinson (University of Manchester).
Mapping energy poverty vulnerability in Portugal: Multidimensionality, big data use and connections with local and national policy [PDF of the presentation]. João Pedro Gouveia (NOVA University of Lisbon).
Day 4: 6 June 2019
Communication through data visualisation and infographics [Online resources]. Gemma Busquets (BAU School of Design)
Energy poverty policies at the urban scale in Barcelona [PDF of Marta’s presentation]. Cèlia Dotú (Fundació ABD) and Marta García (Ecoserveis)
Collective energy poverty action in Barcelona [PDF of the presentation]. Maria Campuzano (Alliance against Energy Poverty).
Day 5: 7 June 2019
Social sciences & humanities evidence for policy impact. Rosie Robison (Anglia Ruskin University)
Using data in storytelling [Case study and practical exercise, ‘Want to make a compelling point?’]. Marilyn Smith (EnAct project)
Wrap-up and final thoughts [PDF of the presentation]. Sergio Tirado Herrero (ICTA-UAB).
Download the training school manual (including links to readings and group work assignments and presentations).
Other documents:
- Download the training school handbook, issued to participants before the event.
- Read the original training school invitation.