by itswebinfra | Sep 10, 2021 | Blogs and announcements, WG4
We have published the ENGAGER Working Group 4 toolkit – titled ‘A toolkit for a just transition with the people’. The document offers a detailed look into the structural injustices that no renovation or broad employment policies will solve by...
by Stefan Bouzarovski | Mar 31, 2021 | Blogs and announcements, WG4
We are delighted to announce the latest ENGAGER policy brief – by Working Group 4. It is titled Energy communities and energy poverty: Moving towards a new social and ecological contract?. The brief has been jointly written by Rachel Guyet (Centre International...
by Stefan Bouzarovski | Mar 28, 2021 | Blogs and announcements, WG2
The aim of this online workshop, to be held on the 14th of April 2021, is to generate understanding on the advantages, methodological challenges, and nuances associated with applying this framework to the issue of energy poverty. Sign up is free via eventbrite. The...
by Stefan Bouzarovski | Mar 17, 2021 | Blogs and announcements, WG1
We are pleased to announce that the EP-pedia website ( is now online. EP-pedia is an initiative of Working Group 1 of the ENGAGER COST Action (CA 16232). EP-pedia articles are written by energy poverty researchers and...
by HumWebTeam | Feb 10, 2021 | Blogs and announcements
We are delighted to announce that the “ENGAGER Energy Rights Forum: Would a Right to Energy end Energy Poverty?” will take place between the 15th and 19th of March 2021, entirely online. It will consist of five afternoon sessions, each dedicated to a...
by itswebinfra | Jan 14, 2021 | Blogs and announcements, CG
Stefan Bouzarovski – ENGAGER Chair and former Chair of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory – spoke at an interregional seminar organised by the Interreg-funded POWERTY project, focusing on ways to overcome energy poverty via renewable energy investment. The...