We are delighted to announce a call for participants for our first Training School on Mobilising data for energy poverty research and action, to be held between the 3rd and 7th of June in Barcelona. The Training school aims to develop skills for mapping, evaluating and making use of unconventional, unstructured data sources; and to provide tools for realising the potential of untapped data for enhanced energy poverty research, communication and action.

Confirmed speakers at the event include Brenda Boardman (University of Oxford), Patrik Oskarsson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Rosie Robison (Anglia Ruskin University), Andrea Saltelli (University of Bergen),Caitlin Robinson (University of Manchester), João Pedro Gouveia (NOVA University of Lisbon), Daniela del Bene (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Maria Campuzano (Alliance against Energy Poverty), Cèlia Dotú (Fundació ABD), Raquel Rodríguez (Ecoserveis), Marta García (Ecoserveis), Antonio del Río (Bombers UGT), Carles Sagué (Plataforma Sant Roc-Som Badalona), Marilyn Smith (EnAct project), Gemma Busquets (BAU School of Design), Harriet Thomson (University of Birmingham), Marlies Hesselman (University of Groningen), Siddharth Sareen (University of Bergen) and Sergio Tirado Herrero (Autonomous University of Barcelona).

Eligible participants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow. They can also be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. Selected trainees will have their overall travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses reimbursedfollowing the attendance and completion of the training school.
A maximum of 20 participants will be selected based on their background and the relevance of their work. The selection procedure will also consider COST inclusiveness policy principles: gender balance, geographical spread and career stage. Trainees from Inclusiveness Target Countries and early career researchers will be prioritised. Applications from civil society organisations with an applied research profile are encouraged.
Applicants need to submit a short CV, relevance of their research or professional activity with respect with the objectives of the COST Action (especially for ENGAGER working groups 2 and 3) and a topic or case study of their choice for the planned practical coursework of the training school (see below). They can do so through this online application form. The deadline for applications is the 1st of May 2019. We hope to notify selected participants by the 6th of May 2019.
Please send an email to sergio.tirado@uab.cat if you have any questions or suggestions.
Further details about the School can be found in the call document.